22 Jul 2016

Yogurt benefits


Yogurt Everyone knows the benefits of yogurt, everyone can get it very easily. But some of us don't aware of its hidden benefit. There is a rich volume of lactic acid, calcium, fats, vitamins, and iron in yogurt. Using yogurt daily makes your skin younger and glowing.Yogurt affects on our health in many way, for example

it will increase our immune system

 Amino acid in yogurt helps burn fats mean it can loss your dislike weight.

 It can prevent you from stomach ulcer.

 Taking 2 cup yogurt daily is enough to prevent you from heart diseases.

 Yogurt is rich with lactic acid and zinc which are best for hair. ( I will write another separate article about "yogurt benefits for hair")

 Right now I'm going to share some of my old home remedies which are very useful particularly for women face and skin.

Wonderful yogurt benefits for skin.

Best for face lightening:

 Yogurt can help you in various ways to make your face skin lightening and glowing. Take 2 take spoon yogurt in a bowl mix some lemon juice in it. Mix it well then apply it on your face. Leave your face for 30 minutes. After that wash it with luck warm water. Repeat this methoe everyday or when ever you get free time. Daily practice of this remedy will make your face glow and shine without any beauty creams.

Anti aging:

Yogurt contains anti-ageing properties which can destroy your wrinkles. Apply only yogurt on your face every day, massage it gently with fingers. After massaging let it absorb in your skin. Then wash it with water don't forget to moisturizing your face after applying yogurt on your face.

Yogurt mask: You can also make a yogurt mask at home.
 Ingredients needed for yogurt mask:

Yogurt (lactic acid) = remaining yogurt's white water, half cup

 Turmeric = 1-1/2 tea spoon
 Aloveria jell = 3 tea spoon

 Mix these ingredients in yogurt mash them well. Your yogurt mask is ready now for use. Apply this mask on your face gently. leave it on your face for 20 to 30 minutes. After that wash it with luck warm water. If you use this remedy 3 to 4 days regularly In a week your face become glow and white.

20 Jul 2016

healthy and glowing skin with Almonds

Everyone wants to have a healthy and glowing skin. Market is full of these beauty stuff which can make  your skin surly beautiful and glowing. People  are looking happy and satisfied with these expensive beauty industry. But it's fact that they all are temporary only natural things can give you a permanent healthy glowing skin.
People think that being beautiful makes us happy but it's not the truth. You will be beautiful if you are happy from inside.

Today I want to share with you one more unique dry fruit  "ALMOND" it's not only useful for your skin but also for all your body system.

Almond is a rich dry fruit with nutrients including antioxidants vitamin E, Potassium, magnesium, plus omega 3. It can give you fair white skin. If you use these nuts regularly it can do wonders for your skin.

Here I'm going to give you a very easy home remedy for white skin.

 For face and hand massage :

 Almond oil = 10 ml (1tbs)

 Margosa leaves

 Basil leaves

Get some fresh leaves of margosa and basil leaves crush them and get it's juice. Mix this juice in almond oil then warm it don't get so hot. Now your almond massage oil is ready for use. Now massage ur face and hands well leave it on your skin for about 30 to 40 minutes. Then rinse off ur skin with luck warm water. Repeat this remedy as needed. it's regular use make your skin white and fair.

Carrots for skin whitnes


There's a very easy and natural way to make your skin white with carrots. Those who want a natural way to make themselves white this article is helpful for them. Lot of women are always carring only their faces coz the beauty creams and other beauty stuff is expensive that's  why they ignore other parts of their bodies like neck, hands, and foot.

Carrots are very useful vegetables which are full of vitamin A, C, D6, calcium, potassium proteins and iron. It's a best vegetable of winter. We all know that carrots and carrot juice can be extremely beneficial for the quality of skin. Many people spend an enormous amount of money on skincare products which are easily available in market than take
advantage of natural things. Most skincare products contain a variety of chemicals which can cause side effects. But people always neglect these problems. Drinking carrot juice regularly not only boast your energy level but also correct juice fix your digestion, and the overall quality of your skin.
It also prevent the growth of cancer, improve the ability of the eyes, plus lowering blood cholesterol.
Driinking fresh juice is always going to be a better option than taking your vitamins in skin whitnes pills.

18 Jul 2016

Skin whitnes

Skin whitnes:
White or Fair skin is not the standard of beauty, in these days every one wants white and fair skin. There are lot of beauty creams, lotions, and skin whitnes pills available in market. The tragedy of this age is people only focus on the external things. They don't want to use those natural things which are blessing of God for human beings like fruits, vegetables and herbs. I'm not going to tell you any expensive beauty soap pills or creams brands. I'm going to explore some wonderful natural herbs and fruits which can do the same things.

Mint for white skin:

Take some fresh mint leaves and wash them. Take a litter water and add mint leaves let it boil for 10 minutes (boiling time always noted after appearing bubbles).Save this water in clean bottle or a glass jar. Use a cup of this water every day in early morning before breakfast. Repeat this method again when your mint water will finished. You will surely surprised to see the results after 2 weeks. It's a wonderful herb which can make ur skin better white and fair then other skin whitening creams.

13 Jul 2016

Peach contributions in Beauty industry


 It is having a very rich source of vitamin, minerals, antioxidants and other chemical contents. Research reveled that vitamin in this fruit may also contribute to cancer preventions.

Benefits of Peach:

 Peach is very delicious fruit, also it is positive for your skin. A rich source of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other chemical contents, the fruit goes a long way in invigorating your skin. Here are some benefits of this fruit.

Proper diet for dry skin:

Make a mixture of Peach and yogurt in a bowl as needed. Apply it on your face skin and wash it after 20 minutes with luck warm water. Peach and yogurt mixture is not only a moisturizer but also it makes your skin soft. The miracle of this paste make your dry skin glow.

Peach facial mask:

  Here is a very easy and simple homemade peach facial mask. You can prepare it by your own. I give it a name glow peach facial mask.

 Basic ingredients for facial mask:
 Honey    = 1 tablespoon
Peache   = 2
Oatmeal = as needed
Cook  peachs in a bowl mash it using a fork until it become soft. After that Add honey and oatmeal. Continue mashing until it becomes thick paste. Keep the paste in room temperature for some time. Now your facial mask is ready for use. Apply the mask on your face and leave it on to your face for 10 minutes. Rinse off the mask with luck warm water. After that your skin will literally feel bright, lighting and glowing. You have to give it a try!

Remove your wrinkles:

  peach is a common ingredient in anti-ageing face masks. If you use only peach paste on your face including the area around your eyes it does wonder for third and growing old skin. Peach is a great source of Vitamin C, peach helps to remove dark circles and blemishes. It will remove wrinkles as well.

Cure your skin:

 Peaches are a good source of proteins plus it works well in repairing tissue, when you have a cut in your skin, peaches can help heal your skin quickly. Eating this fruit also improves your immune system.

3 Jul 2016

Benefits of aloe Vera

 Aloe Vera is very useful for human health and body strength. It is full of nutrition and valuable ingredients. Research shows that aloe Vera contains a number of vitamins (B1, B2, B6, and A, C & E ) plus folic acid. Aloe Vera also contains minerals including calcium, magnesium, zinc, chromium, sodium, iron and potassium; moreover, it also includes amino acid and fanatic acid which makes powerful your digestive system. Aloe Vera has magical effects against many diseases. It soothes the internal organs of human body.

 Amino acids:
  ALoe vera contains 19 of the 20 natural amino acids that the human body requires. Our body makes only 12 of these important amino acids. Remaining may be obtained through juices and food.

Make your skin bright:
  We know that minerals make water, but most of us don't know that aloe vera contains 10 of the most powerful minerals. And human skin needs all these minerals. Most important minerals like calcium, chromium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, sodium and zinc are found in the aloe Vera. Remove the outer layer of aloe Vera, get it's gel in a bowl and apply it on your face gently. Leave it on your face for 20 to 30 minutes like a mask. After it wash your face with cold water. It will make your skin smooth and shiny.

Improve your digestive system:
  Aloe Vera is very supportive to exclude irregular discharges from human body. Because it have different types of enzymes that do wonders for digestion. In particular, enzymes that are to aloe vera help the dismemberment of sugar and fats, which cause problems in digestion . Aloe Vera makes your digestive system well by eating it daily after getting gell from its leaves.

2 Jul 2016

Increase your body weight

healthy body have healthy average weight that is matched to your height. Your good body weight depends on your height, age and gender. If you are too much thin or having too much weight has negative impacts on your health. Many people are underweight. Skipping meals or fasting, regular being stress, genetic factors, lack of sleep, a weak digestive system, and some diseases like cancer, tuberculosis, diabetes, hormonal imbalances, etc these are some reasons of being underweight. There are lot of food supplements available in market which can help to get weight quickly but some of these have many side effects like if you will leave the food supplements your body become again weak and thin. Being underweight can lead to bone loss, heart problems, anemia, a weak immune system and regular weakness and illness. Instead of taking medicines and supplements, Proper diet and exercise can help you gain weight. I'm going to tell you a simple home remedy to help you gain weight.  

1. Figs

 Figs are rich in polyunsaturated fats, which add healthy calories to your diet. Also, figs contain a good amount of carbohydrates that will help you gain weight. Take 6 dried figs soak in water at night. In the early morning before breakfast eat 3 figs eat, remaining figs eat in the afternoon before lunch. Do this daily for about a month. Another and best way soak 4 dried figs overnight in milk and eat it before breakfast. Follow this routine for two months.


Potatoes are a rich source of carbohydrates and complex sugars. So, including some boiled potatoes in your diet will ensure weight gain. Eat one boiled potato daily for one or two months. Note! These remedies are useful for both man and woman. Natural things haven't side effects but remember access of every thing is always having bad results.

Lemon benefits

Lemon is an ordinary fruit founded in all over the world. Lemon are rich with nutrients, including vitamin C, B-complex vitamins, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, and fiber. today I'm going to write about some of its rare benefits approved by medical.

Fresh your sore Throat: if you have a throat infection, lemon juice help to kill bad bacteria and speed up the healing process. Actually Lemons are anti-bacteria so squeeze lemon juice into your drink or onto your food. Lemon juice will heel your sore throat and make it fresh.

Good for digestive system: Lemon is very effective for digestive system Lemon juice not only encourages healthy digestion by loosening toxins in your digestive tract, it helps to relieve symptoms of indigestion such as heartburn, burping, and bloating. lemons are acidic in nature, they are actually "alkaline " lemon juice become alkaline in your body thus they have been used for their anti-inflammatory properties.

Liver Cleansing: Lemons are helpful in cleaning your liver, which is responsible for processing toxins and hormones. Add a fresh lemon juice to your morning water to cleaning and strengthen your immune system.

 Protection against Sun rays: Rub some lemon on your skin to prevent your skin from getting worse after a burn in sun light. They are a natural anti-septic so using lemons on your skin can also helpful to protect ur skin.

Beauty: Lemons do work of cleansing, Lemons have long been used for their anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties but also come packed with phyto-chemicals and antioxidants. You can rub lemon on your skin and drinking a glass of water adding a lemon juice in early morning before breakfast that will heal and create a healthy, glowing skin.

Toothache: Try some lemon juice on the gum area to relieve pain and stop the bleeding.

Weight Loss: Lemons are blood purifying fruits, and can aid in digestion. Squeezing lemon onto your food or into your water will help your body properly metabolize a heavy meal. Some scientists even say lemons aid in weight loss